Thursday, June 18, 2009

***UPDATE*** Over Under my BFF (Big Fat Friend) James Nails a Chick

It has been too long since my last post...

But its now time for an update. With about 40 days left on the Over/Under, My BFF James is now entering wedding season, this may prove to be a crucial time for those, like Levi Lockman, who went with the under. When i tried contacting Levi via email asking him his thoughts on his these next few critial weeks, i got an auto-reply saying "Kubz, Why is your shit in my inbox area". Next i tried contacting Senior Ryan, but between the mumbling and Spanish speaking i managed to only understand "Ponga las manos detras de usted".

BFF James is leaving tonight on his first of many weekend wedding trips. When asked to comment on the bet James said "dude, i told you i could if i wanted too. but i have insanely high standards, that why when i do show up with like a 12 (or two 6's) people tell me they don't believe it". when asked when the last time this actually happened he was unable to provide an accurate date. BFF James went on to say "you guys will be the first to know if it happens, but unless i get super wasted it probably won't, you know i want to wait till I'm married"

I also have learned some inside information from confidential sources that attending some of these weddings will be Ex's of BFF James. This information, if true(confirmation that these are indeed Ex's of BFF James and that he is not actually the gay best friend of said Ex's was unavailable at this time), may sway the minds of those undecided.

So there you have it, for those of you holding the betting tickets with the under, hope for an open bar.

I will be tracking "BFF James Chick Watch '09" as it happens stay tuned for updates as soon as they happen. I have booked BFF James for a Sunday phone interview with recaps of the weekend.